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Entertainment recommendations

Not only can entertainment potentially improve our psychological state, but it promotes creativity and makes the world more beautiful and exciting. Cycle through entertainment categories! I like to switch between literature, music, and visual. This page is devoted to what I’ve found worthwhile, most importantly visual and literary forms of entertainment.


Here are many of my favorite books. Lately, I’ve been trying to support independent authors more than the “Best Sellers” or what the SIN (the Network) wants me to read. Sorry to say, I’ve had more difficulty liking books by independent authors, but they’re far more worthwhile IMHO.

VideoMovies 2CNo CComedy

Movies, serial shows, and other videos can provide needed variety to life, but they can also make us lazy, especially since there’s a whole world to experience. I’m including in these tabs some of my favorites and my most hated. If life entices you away from your favorite books, try some of my recommendations.

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