In one of my favorite games, Balderdash <senseless rubbish>, you fabricate definitions to real but very obscure and unfamiliar words. The goal is to trick the other players into thinking your definition is the real one. Balderdash the game and definition are extremely fitting descriptions of human society.
Discovering what’s real is no easy or simple task, and if we’re not prepared when we start digging, our discoveries can burn us. I present this Dig for Fire section to those of us who are dissatisfied with how the ruling classes present the world.
–Escape from the SubConscious by Hyrum Jones 2020-11-14
–Health and Healing by Mark Hanley 2020-11-02
–Beware of Celebrity by Hyrum Jones 2020-08-06
–Understanding Your Skeptical Friends by Hyrum Jones 2017-03-26
–The Black Sky by Hyrum Jones 2016-12-17
- Updating website — always!
- Working on a video of my latest investigation of the Mormon church.
- Preparing 3rd short story for public consumption.
- 2021, July 30: HyrumJones.com published
- 2021, August 21: Silent Subversion 3 is finally published
- 2021, October 17: the short story, Crystal Lens is published
- 2021, November 6: Part 1 of my podcast with John le Bon is published on my site as a video.