AP Artwork

  • Gallery Scene
    Introduction Amy O’Hanlon created her second set of illustrations for Silent Subversion 2. They are presented here with limited background information, which may be updated later. It’s been so long, I forgot whether or not the following was the finished product. She created these for me several generations ago, the generations of computers I’ve owned. The following images are the rough draft sketches. Summary…
  • The Ascension Scene
    A New Artist After publishing the second book in the Silent Subversion series, I wanted to continue acquiring illustrations. This would obviously require a new artist, and also result in a different style. After spending many weeks searching through different online art platforms, I found the work of Amy O’Hanlon. I immediately fell in love with her style and talent, especially her book Robot…
  • Anxiety Publishing Logo
    Here’s the latest logo for Anxiety Publishing as of September 23, 2016. It might not be the final version, but so far, it’s the winner and much better than the original one. It fits the basic qualifications for a good logo. The shape is simple, unique and familiar. At first glance, the A is easy to see, for Anxiety, and slightly more difficult to see the…
  • The Hotel Room Scene
    Illustration Summary At first glance, this illustration should strike severe anxiety into the viewer. If it does not, perhaps take a closer look. A drawing merely suggesting the subject matter might even deter some people from reading the book. That possibility almost stopped me from including it as a plot device. After considering the danger, however, I obviously decided to include that certain aspect of our world into…
  • The Barn Scene
    Illustration Summary The Barn Scene illustration is an incomplete set of individual pieces in collage form. By incomplete, I mean the drawings for this illustration were just rough drafts which I scanned from Kiel’s notebook. The drawings were too good to pass over since he had to put the project on hold. Those who know the story, will notice the missing key elements and inconsistencies, which…
  • Machine Shop Scene
    Illustration Summary The machine shop scene illustration is not any particular scene in the book, but depicts a snapshot of Cesar Sanchez and Taylor Ewell developing her device, the NMG. Immediately following Taylor’s revelation at Burgerville, Gerald thought of his friend Cesar, the perfect candidate to help them, a former Mexican governor who owned a machine shop in Seattle Washington. Gerald quickly facilitated their social connection and felt overjoyed…
  • The Jesus Scene
    Personal Background As a former devout Christian, I felt compelled to include in my first novel, an important setting from my childhood, the Mormon Visitor center in Salt Lake City, Utah. At various times of the year, my parents would take their twelve children, I’m #2, to visit the famous LDS tourist attraction. In what the Mormon’s call Temple Square, there are several buildings including the Tabernacle,…
  • The Burgerville Scene
    Illustration Summary This is the first article to present the artwork of the Silent Subversion series and the first illustration is The Burgerville Scene. I chose this illustration as the first for an obvious reason. The story begins when Taylor shows Gerald her invention, or discovery to be more precise, at a Burgerville restaurant in Portland Oregon. I happen to like the fast-food restaurant and think it…

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